Sunday, March 3, 2019

Week 8 - Yet More Snow!

Monday was a holiday for everyone but UNL. Presidents' Day is one of the ones we give up to get the week after Christmas so I headed to work on roads empty of traffic. Since the library was closed, we didn't have knitting so I swam on Monday night - a rarity for me. It still felt nice to be home before 7:00 on a Monday. I went straight home on Tuesday too, which is my usual night to go right home, and the icing on the cake was that UNL called a snow day for Wednesday on Tuesday night. Such a gift! Not having to set an alarm was lovely.

We got another 6" or so but adding that to the snow from the previous weekend and there was almost a foot on the ground. John came to the rescue again but brought his dad with the monster snow blower. They had my driveway cleared by early afternoon and the sun was blazing by then so there was some melting going on. I needed to go to the bank so called my hairdresser and she could fit me in. I had a productive errand run and got a long overdue haircut. All good.

The snow day put our new office installation a day behind. They were supposed to finish installing on Wednesday so that was bumped to Thursday. My day was busy anyway with meetings galore plus a Husker Cats meeting after work so I wouldn't have gotten much moving done anyway. I packed cleaning supplies and took two laundry baskets to work Friday morning, determined to be completely moved by the end of the day.

I had decided in the wee hours (yes, I was thinking about the move when I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night) that I should just move everything from drawers and overheads without going through it and then handle the surfaces, including all the plants on my window ledge. Now I've been in my cubie for ~9 years so I have accumulated a lot of stuff. Stupid stuff. Anyway, I had everything moved and cleaned my old cubie before I left for lunch. Once I got back, I started going through the piles on my new, much larger desk (cubie really) and had filled a recycle bin and was pretty much done by late afternoon. I even got to reply to some emails before I left to swim. All in all, it was pretty easy. Brook was 100% moved too. A week later, Cindy still isn't done. That would drive me nuts but like I say, value the diversity.

The weekend blizzard - yes it was really a blizzard - started with icing on Friday night. It was OK on the highway after swimming (I'd rather wait and have less cars on the road so rarely skip swimming due to weather) and when I drove into my garage, I closed the door with no intention of leaving my house all weekend.

I woke up Saturday to a snow sky and a sheet of ice over the entire world. It started snowing right after lunch and it snowed and snowed and snowed. It was still snowing and blowing when I went to bed. We already had a bunch of snow on the ground so this was just adding to that and the winds made some serious drifts. John came, again with his dad, and dug me out for the 3rd time in a week. Worth every penny! 

I spent the entire weekend sitting on my butt, knitting and streaming. I also had a long chat with my Auntie Margaret, which was wonderful. Other than the bare minimum of laundry and making some comfort food, I did nothing else. It's hard to get motivated when Mother Nature is blasting you with winter over and over again. The weekend ended with 15+ inches on the ground and huge drifts and piles of snow from all the shoveling/snow blowing. Did I mention the brutal cold? They were forecasting -11 for Monday morning with wind chills in the -30's and barely warmer for the entire forecast. This snow is going to last forever! Grrr.... and Brrr.... I'M OVER IT!

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