Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Week 11 - My Flooded State

What a week. Pie, floods and cats – so much drama! Despite Mother Nature wreaking havoc on Nebraska, it ended up a good week for me, which sounds so selfish but that’s my reality.

I started the week shopping at UNL’s warehouse for office furniture before work on Monday. Nothing like an 8:00 commitment to get my butt in gear for a work week. Nora was at work Monday but off for the rest of the week and I had a big to do list, which went swimmingly. I got all kinds of things done, including 7 hours of tedious data entry to end the week on Friday. I brought Pie to work on Pi Day because I’m all about pie (I even have a cat name Pie) and that was the icing on the cake for a super productive week.

But how can I not focus on the flooding? While it had minimal impact on me, it was so devastating and I found myself constantly checking the news and online for updates. Here’s a picture of day 1 of the floods and it’s what I encountered when I left for work on Thursday. The roads I’d normally take were under water but I was able to head north to get on the bypass and got to work only a bit late. The south roads were accessible by the end of the day so Wahoo’s flooding was done but not the rest of the area.

Fremont, where I was supposed to have spinning on Saturday, was completely cut off with water on all sides. There was no going to Omaha either, as all the bridges over the Elkhorn and Platte rivers were either washed out or under water so my attempt to reschedule my Saturday plans failed too. But I could still get to Lincoln so I put another plan into action.

I've had Jay, the husker cat who needed emergency surgery at the end of January, in my spare bedroom recuperating for way too long. Had we not had the winter from hell with snow on the ground for the entire month of February, he would have been gone after a couple of weeks. Well the same rain storm that started the snow melt and resulting flooding also made it possible, finally, to send Jay back to campus. Andrea came over after her shop closed and we took the spare room bed apart, got Jay into a carrier and released him back on campus. How's this for camouflage under a bush at the library? I treated Andrea to lunch at Green Flash as a thank you for helping me, after which we hit Aldi. All good.
With Jay no longer in residence, I began reclaiming my spare room. He'd lived under the bed for every minute that he wasn't eating or using the litter box so I started with cleaning that. The floor and the lids of the under the bed boxes he sat on were disgusting but with those cleaned, I was able to put the bed back together with fresh sheets. The rest would wait for Sunday so I settled down to watch The Matrix and crochet. Yes, I said crochet.

I was inspired by someone who bought yarn from me to start a knitted afghan. I started one with 2 strands of brown acrylic from the auction cones I got years ago and a 3rd strand of random pastels. Because I love brown and pastels. But when I went downstairs to search in my deep, dark stash for the acrylic, I found an afghan that I started decades ago made of pastel acrylic scraps. So I brought that upstairs and decided I should finish that using the smaller balls before I do more on the knitted afghan. So I'm crocheting away. I seem to be wanting to do projects other than socks lately so this doesn't really surprise me. But it surprises everyone else for sure. Anyway….

Sunday was a gorgeous day and with all the linens from the spare bed and mine, I did 6 loads of laundry. The backyard was a soggy mess but I braved the squish to hang everything on the line. It was glorious! To celebrate the long overdue arrival of warmer weather, I dyed some sock yarn and added that to the clothesline. I am SO happy that winter is done. Can you relate?

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