Sunday, October 2, 2022

Week 37 - Goodbye Queen Elizabeth

Monday was a holiday and Heidi hosted knitting in her yard, which was lovely. But the blazing hot weather was really getting me down. I was also still not over my yeast infection so things were not all good.

I tried to get a doctor's appointment on Tuesday but the phone lines were so busy that I couldn't get through. The nurse called me back and the earliest they could get me in was Thursday. I thought I'd go crazy by then so ran to the pharmacy where I bought the last Monistat kit in Wahoo. Luckily this 3rd round of meds finally did the trick so I cancelled my appointment and called it done. About time!

On Wednesday, the team all dressed drab in gray shirts and black pants just to poke me for a comment I'd made the previous week. Team work? The good news was we were told there was a good chance that the HVAC in our building was going to be completely replaced and we wouldn't have access to the building for 3 to 6 months starting in January. Hallelujah! That was great new and if they said 3-6, it'd be 6-9 for sure so I was stoked. Now for it to actually happen.

Thursday was a sad day after hearing about the queen. I was a big fan and spent the entire night glued to the TV watching the coverage. I cast on a pair of tribute socks to honor her because socks are what I do. The color isn't accurate in the picture (it's bright yellow) but you get the idea.

After several days in the 90's, a front came through Friday afternoon and finally brought some fall weather. And to top that, I woke up to rain Saturday morning. We're in extreme drought in Nebraska and this was only the 3rd rain since spring. I was thrilled. I was outside weeding as soon as it stopped and did some more on Sunday, which was a top ten day. I took a carload of brush to the city burn pile. Add that to the wood I'd taken to Heidi's burn pile on Monday night... gone is good. 

I hope this is the beginning of cooler weather and some progress in the yard. This summer was awful and I'm ready for fall in a BIG way. Here's hoping...

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