Saturday, February 26, 2022

Week 8 - Starting to Socialize

A few weeks ago, a friend asked me what would make me feel better about normalizing and while I wasn't sure at the time, apparently I got there because this week I finally felt OK about going out and about.

The week started normally with Monday Night Knitting (I shared a pie) and my grab and go lunch on Tuesday but after that, I decided to hit the senior center thrift shop, which I haven't done in ages. They were having a half off sale so I scored a few vintage things, which made me happy. This was just a taste of what was to come.

Cindy and I were going to the movies at 4:45 on Wednesday to see Who We Are: Racism in America. While not happy/peppy, I was excited to see it and decided to take 2 hours of vacation rather than rush around. I used the time to run errands all over Lincoln, including hitting some thrifts where I scored a bunch of yarn - some will be shipped to my sister, some was shared with my neighbor and a few got added to my stash. The movie was very good and I hit the market for a pork roast on the way home. What a fun day - not a fun movie but just to be in a theatre was a treat.

The Grocery Girls were live at lunch on Thursday, which is always happy, but while eating ice cream that night, I managed to break a tooth. It was the tooth my old dentist had predicted would be the next one to blow and blow it did. The entire inside half of my tooth was gone (swallowed, of course) and the remaining filling was super pokey so I started calling my dentist at 7:00 am on Friday. I finally called his emergency number at 8:00 when they still weren't picking up but were supposed to be open according to the website. Come to find out, they're only open every other Friday but he was going to be in the office so would call when I could go in to grind down the pokey bits.

He called to say I should come in between 11:00 and 11:15 so I was there right at 11:00. It was closer to 11:30 before he was off the phone (I was fine knitting in the chair) so by the time he was done, it was almost lunch time. I decided to see what The Warehouse had and I'm glad I did. I was heading to the register when an old friend called out my name. It was Nancy Meyer, who I hadn't seen in 5 years (we were long overdue to get together when Covid hit). We chatted for a bit and then decided to go to the Mexican restaurant lunch. We caught up over chips and tamales (cheapest lunch ever - $5.35!) and had a great time. Then it was back to work for the rest of the afternoon.

I had big plans on Saturday. Anne and I were going to Woodbine, Iowa so Anne could buy cones of acrylic yarn that I'd found on Facebook Marketplace. I had no interest in the yarn but happily knitted in the passenger seat for the 1.5 hour ride there. Anne bought tons of yarn and the woman was lovely, giving me the cutest kitten with a yarn ball planter when I admired it on her garage shelf. We shopped our way back through the small towns, stopping for lunch at a little cafe. From there, Anne dropped me in Fremont at spinning. Andrea and I did our regular Fremont run afterwards - Goodwill, Aldi and Menard's (a midwest chain like Lowe's). Such a fun day and so social!

The weather Sunday was another freaky 65 degree day in February. I took advantage of it and worked outside all day. I started with cutting my last rose bush (the one in the sidewalk bed that was arching into the street) then cut the winter creeper that had grown over the sidewalk, which makes shoveling harder. Not that we've had any snow this winter. And since I was loading them into the car to take to the city burn pile, I added the clematis vine from the backyard. That made a mess so after unloading the car, I went to the car wash and vacuumed. All this was before noon. After taking a lunch break, I headed outside to do my first ever winter sowing, which entails creating mini greenhouses from milk jugs, planting your seeds and leaving them outside in the cold. They will germinate when the temp is right for them and they won't need hardening off. Here's a pic of all the veggies and flowers that go into my veg beds out in my garden waiting to sprout. How fun!

How's that for a felt like normal week? Seeing people and being out and about shopping and eating felt great. I live in hope that the pandemic really is easing up so we can get back to something approaching normal life. 

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