Sunday, June 7, 2020

Week 21 - Cruise vs. Home

It was a pretty average week, if you can call sheltering/working at home average. But since that's the new normal, I'll go with that. But not only is work at home but so is vacation. I should have been prepping to leave for my cruise and flying out on Thursday. Oh well.

I did have some high spots in the otherwise mundane week. The first was the delivery of my new bench. Cindy had taken it home in pieces on her last visit and her husband rebuilt it. They delivered it on Wednesday afternoon and I was happy to welcome it back, all shiny and new. This is the place I'm mostly likely to sit in my yard. The seat is just big enough for me and a cat and the arm is just wide enough for a cup of tea. I enjoyed it the very next day for the first of many tea breaks. Since Cindy's husband was with her, it was just a drop off and not a visit. Time to schedule an actual visit.

I should have left for my cruise on Thursday and woken up in Amsterdam on Friday so as a consolation prize I took Friday off. My goal was to spend the day chatting with family and friends. I went to a local restaurant to pick up a burger and onion rings for lunch and after I was done, I called my Auntie Margaret. We had a good, long chat. I also caught up with my friend Eileen in Canada on Sunday. It was lovely to see her and chat for awhile.

I did get some gardening done, pulling out the hoses, testing them all and setting up the best of the lot. This might sound like not much but it requires snaking 2 hoses under my deck and then tucking a long one behind an entire garden bed to use with the sprinkler in my veg beds. Once that was done, I put the sprinkler on and once the water softened up the soil, did some much needed weeding in my veg beds.

I had a bit of a lost weekend sitting on my butt knitting and attempting to catch up on Marvel Agents of Shield. I'd given up a couple of seasons ago so that because my background streaming between chores on the weekend and while knitting. I got through an entire season only to be so unhappy with the last episode of that season that I gave up on the series again. Done with that.

So a quiet week replaced a knitting cruise on the Baltic Sea. I took joy in knitters around the fire on Monday, my grab and go lunch on Tuesday from Mocha C's and knitting socks, including a new pair cast on just for zoom meetings. I'm grateful for these small joys in this funky time we're all living through. I hope you're finding some joy to brighten your days too.

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