Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 - Just One Word

The work for this year is SHAKE!

Huh? I know. I struggled with how to articulate this and did consider DIFFERENT but I settled for shake as in SHAKE IT UP! Because in 2013 I need to shake it up and get out of my rut. 2012 was a wonderful year but I feel like I've been doing the same things over and over again so this year I'm going to explore new things. There will still be plenty of knitting but I'm going to expand beyond socks and look for different things to try. It's also time to get out of my travel rut. I'll being going to Ireland in May on yet another knitting trip but beyond that, I'm going to make sure I find some new destinations. Maybe this will be the year for Colorado? I'm open to anything new and different so if you have any ideas for me to try, do let me know. I'm up for anything in 2013.

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