Friday, May 31, 2024

Week 20 - Got My Quilt!

Monday seems to be the day for storms this spring and we started the week with more storms. Fortunately they weren't severe so Monday Night Knitting happened this week. Yay!

I took the afternoon off on Tuesday to start planting my containers. The weather was perfect and I got most of the deck and garage containers planted, only having a couple more to go after I buy more impatiens. I got the peppers and eggplant planted in big pots on the driveway but then ran out of steam. This might not sound like I got much done but I sifted tons of compost to mix with the soil before I could even start. I had a sore throat and was a bit snotty by bedtime and chalked it up to all that compost sifting. Unfortunately the cats wouldn't come in so I went to bed with the slider open so they could get back inside. When I woke up at midnight, they were all in so I shut the door and was able to sleep well for the rest of the night. Darn cats!

Wednesday was another jam packed campus day. I had lunch with Steve and Layton. We tried to go to our old favorite Red Fox, which would be closing at the end of the month, but they'd changed the hours so we ended up at Leadbelly's in the Haymarket. It was delish and we ate outside but I had been hoping for one last Red Fox lunch. After work, Anne, Rene and I were meeting Amanda at BW's in Ashland for a "swim ladies" dinner. It was great to catch up with Amanda, who was just made a dean at her college. It was a fun time and I got home just before 9:00. I didn't let the cats out so I could get a full night's sleep because I was exhausted.

The cats woke me up at 5:30 so I got up and watched Survivor before heading to campus. I got an email from Chase before lunch that someone had tried to use my card number in Dubai. Fraud on my main credit card - yippee! I called them and they said they'd expedite my new card and it would be delivered the next day. I made a list of all the places I'd have to change my card with but come to find out, Chase did it for me. The only one they didn't change was AAA but that's only an annual fee so I'll deal with that later. And my card did arrive at the end of the day Friday. Great service all around.

After 2 days in a row on campus, it was lovely to work from home on Friday. I got my grab & go lunch and picked up a hose part at the hardware store and got that sorted during my lunch hour so I could water my containers. It was a warm day but I was determined not to turn on the AC so at the end of the day, I headed down to my basement craft room where it was blissfully cool. I had brought my laptop and phone but I started going through some boxes and bins and before I knew it, I'd organized an entire corner and one side of my sewing machine was clear for the first time in years. There was a box to donate too so all good.

Saturday was spinning in Fremont and I was super excited to pick up my quilt. Danielle did an amazing job and I absolutely love it. Isn't it gorgeous? We also made all our usual stops and I bought a big comfy chair at Restore, which I'd been looking at for awhile. It fit into my car (I'd cleared it out in case the chair was still there and still on sale) and off we went. I managed to get it inside my house myself but it's still sitting in the front room 2 weeks later. It will either go in my back room or will replace the recliner in the front room, which would then go down to my craft room. Decisions decisions!

It was another rainy day on Sunday so I happily spent the day inside. Between chatting on the phone, streaming and knitting, I cleared my desk, the bar and the coffee table. It was nice to see some blank surfaces. I didn't do any cooking so threw together chili mac for supper before sitting down to PBS for the evening.

I'd call that a good week, even with the fraud on my card. It was a good mix of socializing with friends, neatizing and starting my spring gardening. My gorgeous quilt was the icing on the cake. 

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