Friday, May 24, 2024

Week 17 - Tornados and Plants

What can you say about a week that includes a tornado warning that leaves you in the basement of work watching radar with tornados all around you? Yup, that takes the cake but there was some other fun to share.

The beginning of the week was uneventful, unless you count starting a new quilt and yet another pair of socks. But as usual, I packed things in on my Wednesday campus day. We had a food day, which always cut even further into any semblance of productivity when working on campus. It was fun and lots of people showed up so I got to chat with people I rarely see. Nice.

On the way to dinner with a few of the water aerobics ladies, I stopped at my favorite thrift and found a couple of skeins of sock yarn, which is a rare thing indeed. Then it was on to Granite City to meet Natasha (hadn't seen her in years), Carol (saw her in the city pools last summer) and Anne (see her all the time). We got there in time for happy hour drink prices and it was pasta night so we enjoyed that while chatting for hours. It was lots of fun.

I was home Thursday so got a haircut over lunch and then attempted to help my friend's husband with Messenger after work. He'd posted a bike for sale on Facebook Marketplace but had not idea how to use Messenger and after an hour, still no luck. He did manage to respond to one person while I was there but still wasn't understanding how to use it. We gave up and I headed home for Backyard Farmer on PBS.

I had planned Friday as my second day on campus. It's always a ghost town on Friday and was this week (only Sheila and me) but I had social engagements. I went to Helen's for lunch and it was perfectly pleasant when I got there. When we went outside an hour later to check out plants in her yard (she moved in last fall so hadn't seen the spring plants), the weather had turned. It was much hotter and muggy as all get out. I drove back to campus and was just getting out of my car when the tornado sirens went off. I grabbed my knitting and headed to the basement. There weren't many people down there but I found a seat near the sustainability office. Someone cast their phone to a TV in a conference room and we watched tornados hit both east and west of us but downtown didn't even get any rain. I had taken 2 hours off to meet friends at Spring Affair so left as soon as the storm passed.

I was supposed to meet Anne and my friends from Wahoo (Lorri and Bob, of the Messenger fail) but Anne had tried to beat the storm and ended up sheltering in the event center. She shopped as soon as the danger had passed (a tornado touched down just north of there (like <1/4 mile away) and took out a factory before heading north) and left before I got there. The storm was heading towards Wahoo so Lorri and Bob were still in their basement and the sale was about to close before they got the all clear. I called Lorri and bought the one plant she really wanted, picked up a few for myself (total impulse buys) and headed home. Quite the dramatic end to the work week!

In comparison, my weekend was totally uneventful. I chatted on the phone, puttered a bit in the garden, did some chores and ended the weekend with a Ripples Zoom on Sunday afternoon. Since I like to include a picture, here's my new cat Rosie - it's tough to photograph a jet back cat. Anyway, she was very interested in a 6 pack of petunias that I'd brought inside before the storms in case we got hail. Not only did she dig at it all night but I woke up on Sunday to find it on the floor next to my bed. Go figure.

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