Monday, April 3, 2023

Week 13 - Has Spring Sprung?

The week started with what has been the norm lately - chilly and gloomy - but then the roller coaster began. The weekend finally brought some spring weather and I went immediately into garden mode. 

The work week was uneventful and was our last week of only working one day on campus. As usual, I crammed Wednesday full with lunch with Dodie and a movie after work with Cindy - The Quiet Girl at The Ross. Go see it if you can but it'll be fine to stream when it's available. It was a quiet, beautiful movie and I was crying at the end.

Thursday, which had a freaky high temp of 78 after starting out chilly, was pretty full too. I got my grab and go for lunch and listened to a lecture on why young people are opting out of religion mid-afternoon. After work was book club and then Helen, who has recently joined book club, and I went to DQ for ice cream and chatting. 

Friday started warm but a front came through at 9:30 and the temp dropped 30 degrees in minutes. Gansey found one of my socks and chewed a big hole it in (not easily fixable) and after a frustrating bit of work, I headed to the Senior Center Thrift Shop at lunch to decompress and picked up BK for lunch. The afternoon was spent doing an online training class for a project I have zero interest in at work. It's 8 hours learning something I hope to never use but I couldn't get out of it. I did it at 1.25 or 1.5 speed so got through more than half of it and will finish next Friday. At least the time flew by and I was enjoying a Guinness and chatting with Connie right after work. The weekend had begun!

I had no plans for the weekend and the weather was better than expected on Saturday so I went outside after a nice morning of knitting and chatting while I drank my coffee. With it being the first warm day (hopefully of many), it was too soon to start clearing beds so I raked the entire lawn, front and back, filling my winter compost heap with all the grass/leaves. I then raked out back by my neighbor's chain link fence and using some of the cement scalloped edges the were moved when they had to drive the tree crane truck over my old berry bed to make a bed along a section of the fence and planted peas, covered with branches to keep the cats out. Yay - veggie gardening has begun!

It was a perfect day on Sunday - 74 and not too windy. I was sore from Saturday's efforts but raked the 2 beds that have southern exposure so are warmer - the parking (the strip between the sidewalk and street) and on the south side of my deck. Then I pruned my roses, which left me bleeding but it felt good to drop those thorny branches at the city burn pile. I was done so made a cup of tea and called my sister for her birthday and then talked to Deanne. PBS all night was a welcome rest.

It looks like this spring weather may be here to stay. We still have frosts but no 40 degree highs in the long range forecast. I hope to do a bit of raking each day and finish clearing the beds by next weekend. As usual, I'll spend Easter communing with nature. Happy spring!

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