Thursday, August 19, 2021

Week 30 - Back to Campus

It was a beautiful week with a rare cool spell that had me sleeping with the windows open. Otherwise the even of the week was working on campus for a full day, which I haven't done in ages. Maybe a year!

My goal for going to campus was to start formatting all the excel files for fiscal year end meetings. It took some preparation to get to campus by 8:00 when I'm normally still in my jammies at that time. I did a bunch of prep the night before then set the stove timer for 6:30. I ate a quick bowl of cereal, threw on a dress and was out the door so early that I was at the Parking Office before 8:00. I bought some day parking passes and then met Lacey at Starbuck's. The union was deserted but we met a couple of people and chatted for a bit, which felt almost normal. Then it was time to get to work. : (

The highlight of the day was taking Dodie to The Green Gateau for a belated birthday lunch. It was great to eat out like pre-Covid and catching up with Dodie was a total treat. So was the Italian cream cake we had for dessert. Then it was back to the office for the rest of the day. I even worked late because I was swimming at 6:15 so had time to kill. I do so love water aerobics outside in the fresh air.

Otherwise, it was a normal week of working at home. I did mail some socks off for my sister's birthday, which arrived on time. I got a haircut, went to a retirement party at the library, had lunch in the park with a friend and went to book club. That's a lot of socializing for my pandemic life!

It was hot by the weekend so I forced myself to get up from knitting the new pair of socks I'd cast on and was having a ball with. Check them out. Then I slogged through all the clothes in my bedroom and spare room, both bureaus and closets. I had a huge stack to donate, a basket to take to Carolyn in Rhode Island and I could finally get to the clothes that actually fit. I loaded everything in the car immediately because I wanted things gone and this felt like it was halfway there.

Besides the clothes sorting, it was a low key weekend as I prepared for a manic week of closing meetings the next week. I also prepped all my fair entries and crocheted a set of coasters to fill out the 6th spot on my entry sheet (there's a 5 item limit so 5 small knitting items, which always leaves me with an empty ticket.) I believe there were lots of lists made, for both work and home. I'd be slamming on fiscal year end meeting prep so relaxing and storing up energy while staying organized was just the ticket. All in all, it was a good week.

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