Sunday, November 29, 2020

Week 46 - Health and Hats

As quarantine weeks go, this was a busy one. I got lots done and had some fun, even starting thinking about Christmas. Early, I know, but it felt right this year.

I started Monday morning at the dentist. I'd scheduled it back in April when Covid was new so I'd asked for the first appointment of the week thinking that would be safer. It was a rude awakening to be up, dressed and out the door before 8:00. Then I ended the day with an appointment with my knee doc. Alas, I need a new knee. It didn't surprise me but I had held out hope that I could have a quick fix. Time to lose some weight and I'm thinking early March for surgery.

When I left Nebraska Ortho, I headed to Cindy's to pick up a plastic set of drawers she had for me and we chatted on her porch. It was cold but worth it. I zoom with her 5 days a week but in person is SO much better. From there, I headed to Baker's Chocolates in Greenwood to pick up some candy for Christmas. That got me thinking Christmas for sure.

We had snow on Tuesday, so I delayed my regular grab and go until Wednesday. We woke up to beautiful ice glazing on Wednesday but it melted quickly. I had lots of zooms at work and ended Friday with a blind side meeting that left me super pissed off. Good thing I had fun plans after work.

I drove to Lincoln and met Darla at Menard's to buy my Christmas trees. I had called to make sure they had them already and Darla and I had fun shopping outside in the cold. A super nice clerk helped us and I got 2 trees and a wreath. It was great to see Darla then I stopped at HyVee for a few groceries, which felt like a treat since I've done most of my grocery shopping at Aldi since March. I had planned to get their Chinese special for supper but the line was too long so I was starving as I headed home. Andrea had called to offer me some pasties so I stopped to pick them up on the way home. She gave me some fresh out of the oven along with a bottle of wine that she thought I needed after I'd vented to her after my horrible zoom. That's a good friend!

I started Saturday knitting hats. I had told Mary I'd knit some hats for her charity project and had hoped some of my knitting friends would help but I'd only gotten an offer of 2 and Mary needed 50 so I got busy. I knitted all morning and then on and off all weekend. I had 7 hats done and an 8th half done by the end of the day Sunday. I also set up my deck tree, which always makes me happy, did a bunch of laundry, neatized the back room and put the hassock at the curb with a free sign.

Good week, right? I was starting Christmas early this year but it just felt right somehow. And I got to see 2 friends IN PERSON, which is always a treat. Despite the dumpster fire that 2020 is, life is still good. 

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