Monday, June 3, 2019

Week 20 - Pie's Stuck Mouth

It was an eventful week, this time not for work, which was nice. The big boss came back so maybe that took the pressure off my boss. Whatever it was things seemed more even keel. I'll take it.

So even keel was work. Home not so much. When I got home on Monday night, Pie's mouth was stuck open. She goes into full freak out mode when that happens (kitty TMJ, BTW) so she wasn't letting me near her. I was able to try to release her jaw on Tuesday after work but I was bending over while she was sleeping on one of my patio chairs so I couldn't get ahold of her well and she squirmed away. When I got up Wednesday morning, it was still open and she was meowing plaintively. Since it was approaching 48 hours wide open, I decide to take some vacation time and try to get it shut. I tried for 2 hours to no avail so went to work ~10:00. Luckily it was shut when I got home Wednesday night so I made sure she had lots of wet food with water added and sat down to the Survivor finale, happy that she was on the mend. Well, it was open again on Thursday morning but I was able to grab her and get it shut. Something clicked in her jaw so I'm hopeful that her mouth will be fine for awhile now. Sometimes it goes months without being an issue so that's what I'm hoping for.

I left work early on Thursday for a shot in my problematic thumb. Cortisone always burns going in but having all that liquid in my thumb was an issue too. When I got home Thursday night, my thumb was like a sausage. It mostly absorbed overnight so it was now a waiting game to see if it helped. Having not bent my thumb voluntarily since September, the joint would be super stiff but hopefully better.

On the work front, things were pretty much normal again. Big relief! The noise level was off the charts though, which was getting more tedious with every passing day. There couldn't be much left on the first floor so it had to end soon, right? Cindy and I celebrated the end of the week by hitting The Ross for a movie at 5:00 - Red Joan. It was good and a nice way to end the week.

Saturday was spinning in Fremont so we did the usual spinning, Goodwill, Aldi and sushi. The skies opened up while we were in Aldi and it was coming down so hard that Andrea brought the car up to the doors so we could load from there. It calmed down while we enjoyed sushi. Gotta love our Fremont runs.

Sunday started off with Cindy delivering the new raised beds, which her husband had made for me while he was making hers. We stacking them over the old beds for now. Otherwise, it was another chore day with a big to do list to prepare for Connie's arrival Monday night. The rain made working outside impossible, which was good because I had lots to do inside. It would be great to see Connie and since I was taking 3 days off, I was going into a super short work week and fun in KC. 

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