Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Week 45 - My November List

Having spent the previous weekend catching up from being away, I hit the road running, ready for a normal week. I was also ready to start chipping away at my November list, which was chock full of things to get done before my trip to Norway in December.

First up was offloading. I had culled a bunch of clothes when I switched out my summer for winter clothes so loaded bags into the car to drop at the Peoples City Mission, which I did over lunch on Tuesday. I also left a small bag of yarn hanging from Kate's side view mirror in the parking lot and gave Anne more yarn, some bought on the way home from Dottie's, at the pool on Wednesday. Getting rid of stuff feels SO good and it's even better when you make the recipient happy.

It was also election week and like the rest of the country, I was more than ready for it to be over. After voting on Tuesday, I planned to celebrate with pasta and wine so ran down to Trader Joe's at lunch on Monday to get some 3 buck chuck. With Nebraska polls open 8:00-8:00, I was voting after work so headed to the Presbyterian church directly from work. I had never seen such a line! Being Wahoo, I only had to wait 20 minutes and spent the time knitting, of course. Then it was home for pasta carbonara with leeks and big glass of wine. Yum! The results were disappointing, as usual in my red state, but at least the toxic ads were done.

I had knitting Monday night (just 2 of us), voted Tuesday, swam Wednesday, went to The Old Man and the Gun with Tammie after work on Thursday and swam again on Friday so it was a busy week. I was at the vet with Gansey (first thing off of my November list) at 9:30 Saturday morning and then drove through the bank on the way to meet Lorri for coffee to catch up. Then I picked up totes (yes, for yarn) at Dollar General before shopping some local merchants because it was Merry Market. While I didn't buy anything of note, it was pretty festive. The bone chilling cold (felt like single digit temps with the wind chill) actually helped. It felt good to get home and stay inside and warm for the rest of the weekend.

In addition to the usual chores, I had plans to cross off my next November item - evaluating stocking stuffers. Since I'll be leaving for my UK/Norway trip on December 9th and will fly directly to Rhode Island for Christmas, my Christmas deadlines are way sooner. In order to sort for stockings, I needed to slog through the spare room, hence the totes for yarn. I planned to do that Sunday afternoon, having done most of my chores by then, but Donna called asking to stop by with a knitting question. I was waiting to start and then she was later than she'd said so I was pretty short with her - so much so that Ed, her husband, could see my anxiety. I got her going and ushered them out the door so I could get busy and be "done" before I lost light.

I pulled a bunch of boxes and bags into the front room and started sorting yarn and craft supplies. With that done (but still all over the front room), I sorted the stocking stuffers for Carolyn and Ginny and was pleasantly surprised by how much I had. Ginny's easy and has plenty but Carolyn, who is much harder to buy for, has a decent amount. I will do some shopping this month to flesh that out. Doable so that was a relief.

I also started a rotation on Sunday, determined to lose 10 pounds before I leave for my trip. I made a big pot of cabbage soup in the morning and roasted a big pan of Brussels sprouts and carrots to go with baked chicken thighs for supper, which I'll eat all week. I will have some food obligations in the coming week but I'll just do what I can to make better choices and get right back to rotating. I MUST drop some poundage before my cruise and Christmas.

Isn't it amazing how motivated I can be by a deadline? It's always been the case for me and this time, it should keep my busy in November. Here's hoping I can stay on track.

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