Friday, March 4, 2016

Week 9 - Total Spring Fever

With gorgeous spring weather dominating the week, I couldn’t help but be in a great mood. Everything just seemed better with spring in the air – a new cashmere blend sweater that felt lucious and perfectly matched the shawlette I designed myself, going to the The Lady in the Van with Anne, losing more weight on a 1200 calorie week… All good. The work days flew by too. I trained 2 afternoons, which always makes them fly, and had meetings every other day (a rarity for me) so the work week was over in a flash. I may have overscheduled my weekend a bit but even that all worked out and I lived to tell. There seemed to be nothing that could befoul my mood. Spring is the absolute best season! Am I right?

The weekend started with a retirement party for one of my database customers at 4:30 on Friday, which I thoroughly enjoyed for the half hour I was there. Then it was off to swimming and then to the hospital to visit Helen. I stopped at Fresh Thyme on the way there to pick up a wrap to eat in the car and a lovely primrose for Helen. I got home at 9:00 and by the time I put groceries away, it was time for bed. Anne would be at my house at 8:45 to head to another auction in Fremont. 

This time Anne wanted the cone yarn. I was just going along for the ride. Denise, my auction buddy from last week, was there so Anne and I sat with her and the acutioneer recognized me and agreed when I suggested the yarn NOT be the last thing up for bid. He was true to his word and it was up just after noon. Unfortunately an antique dealer who wanted it all was there and kept bidding the price up, leaving just a few skimpy cones and odd cakes for Anne to get for $15. I wish I’d bought some for her when it was so cheap the week before. Oh well. She got some and we were on the road and back to my house by 3:00, which felt like a gift. I gave Anne 2 of the cones I’d gotten the previous week and caked some too. She left happy and I got to enjoy a cup of tea in the sunshine. Since Sunday would be another early day, I started my laundry too. I went to bed early because Sunday was another early day. If only I’d known how early….

I was scheduled to pick Andrea up at 9:30 for an Omaha run - something we hadn’t done in awhile. A Penzey’s coupon for 2 free jars of Pie Spice was our impetus for going but we had other things on the list. Well, I woke up at 3:30 a.m. and was wide awake so got up and started plowing through the spare room. Our first stop was Goodwill so I figured I could cull some clothes that no longer fit to add to my donate pile. By 5:00, I’d reorganized the piles and there was stuff all over the floor but I was getting tired again so went back to bed. I thought I’d just lay there but at some point I fell back asleep and didn’t wake up until 8:45. I had just enough time to eat some breakfast, get dressed and load the donations into the car before picking Drae up. I wasn’t even late. I only found one thing at the second of the two Goodwills we stopped at while waiting for Penzey’s to open but offloaded donations so it was still good. With our Pie Spice jars in hand, we hit Trader Joe’s and then Aldi before heading home. I was home mid-afternoon again so even though I’d had 2 early mornings, I had relaxing afternoons at home to make up for it. And the weather was still gorgeous so I enjoyed my first steak grilled outside on Sunday night. More spring wonderfulness. Gotta love it! Now to get those piles from the spare room and all my auction goodies put away before the cleaning lady. It’s always something. : )

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