Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Week 24 - Replaced Pudding Cup

It's that time of year again when there aren't enough hours of darkness to get good sleep. Besides that, I tend to stay up because it's light so late and that makes it worse. Just another week before the days start getting shorter. Yay!

So I stayed up late Monday night because I had messed up the heel on a sock and just had to stay up to fix it. And because I was up late, the cats were too and Goodie didn't come in until 3:15, which meant I slept fitfully until then. Without me noticing, Rosie got out when I let Goodie in and then was meowing at my bedroom window at 5:15. I was exhausted on Tuesday and it didn't help that I had a library board meeting that night, which went late because it was the last day for one of the members so they brought out snacks after the meeting. All I wanted to do was go home because I had made a cake after work and still had to finish it before bedtime. Luckily, I slept like a rock that night, helped by having turned the AC on that afternoon so the windows were shut.

As usual, Wednesday was a campus day and I was feeding the north side feeders, which took close to 30 minutes instead of the 5 it takes when I feed the south. I took the cake to work for Lana's birthday, had some with my morning coffee then more that afternoon with Dodie when she needed something sweet. It was a blueberry lemon poke cake and was absolutely delish - summer in a pan. I skipped the cool whip topping but here's the recipe. I went right home after work, made dinner and settled in to start The Last of Us on HBO, aka Max.

Thursday was my 2nd campus day and a few of us went to East Campus for their summer BBQ grill out. After work, I met Anne and we went through dozen of totes of yarn (Facebook Marketplace again) and picked out wha we wanted then made a beeline across town to swim, only to find no one in the pool because there had been a crack of thunder so we had to wait 10 minutes before we could get in. I got home late but watched more of The Last of Us.

I was an indecisive mess on Friday, which seems to be a trend. I had planned to go to campus AGAIN for a retirement party that afternoon but was not feeling like it at all. I really needed to go but was back and forth trying to decide until I thought of making it more worth going. I messaged Anne and Rene about going to The Old Oak at The Ross at 4:40. They were in so I headed to Lincoln. I closed the party down and went to the office for the last hour of the day. The lights were off and doors were locked, which adds to the creep factor of being all alone in the office. I was only there an hour before it was movie time and it was a wonderful movie. We went to Zesto in search of peanut butter soft serve only to be told that's a fall flavor. Really? We enjoyed the flavors we got and then drove home. The work week was over and had included plenty of fun. Nice.

There was more fun in store on Saturday. It was Christmas in June with our spinning group, which meant a picnic in the park and a gift exchange. But before that, Andrea and I went to Abie for a rummage sale in the church basement. It was fill a bag for $3 and we each found a few things. We headed to Fremont and The Restore (also bought a few things) then went to the park. The wind saved us from punishing heat/humidity and it was a fun time with good company, food and presents. When we left, we hit the Estate Dispersal store. I was thrilled to find a single pudding cup to replace the one that had broken years ago. Now I can make my banana pudding in these fun vintage cups again. The one I got wasn't a duplicate color of the 3 I had in the cupboard too. Score! From there it was Goodwill, Aldi and home. I was beat but it had been a fun day and I finished The Last of Us that night.

Sunday was adulting day so I started my chores right after CBS Sunday Morning (love that show!) I made a dent in neatizing and cleaning before Lorri stopped by after church. When she left, I sat down to lunch and the new episodes of Bridgeton. I only got 2 watched because I spent a chunk of time pulling yarn from my will trade or sell stash that someone from Ravelry was buying. I made a quick omelet and headed to Lincoln for the 4th time in a week (!) to swim. Totally worth it. I stayed up late yet again to finish Bridgeton, which had a great ending. Can't blame the weather or lack of darkness for this week's sleep deficit. Who needs sleep? Maybe I can catch up next week? : )

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