Saturday, June 8, 2024

Week 22 - A Better Week

Normally starting the week with a holiday is great but I was under the gun still, trying to get back to normal after the flood. It had to be a better week, right?

I gardened all day on Monday, starting with planting the rest of my containers. I was short on potting soil so was dumping pots from dead houseplants, every bag of anything soil related I had in the garage and adding lots of sifted compost too. I had just enough to finish all my pots. After a break for tea, I weeded, tilled (by hand with my garden claw), leveled and planted my last 2 veg beds and planted a few extra things - pumpkins by the garage and a gooseberry bush from my friend Lorri by the rhubarb. I had put a little fence around the old berry bed (it had to be weed wacked down so the tree people could drive their bucket truck over it when I had the trees taken out 2 years ago) and had been piling weeds there since spring. I had added bigger chunks of compost when I was sifting but needed more soil to plant squash on top of the pile, which had always been my plan. Despite being bone tired, I walked my wheel barrow 2 blocks to the big dirt pile where some houses are being built, filled it halfway and walked it home. After dumping that and planting the squash, I was DONE. I took a shower and collapsed for the evening. I was actually looking forward to working the next day so I could sit for 8 hours. Really.

It was a good work week. I was teaching my last 2 reporting classes EVER on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. The weather was gorgeous on my campus day (Wednesday) so I thrifted at lunch and then did a Walmart run on the way home to pick up the expensive dehumidifier. Why you ask? Because the one that came from Amazon was a dainty little thing that was small enough to fit in a paper grocery bag. That was going back. Of course the $177 ones were gone so I had to pay $199 for a smart phone compatible one. Crazy! Having cleaned up the kitchen Tuesday after work, I was ready to cook so made shrimp and grits for supper. Delish! That done, I headed downstairs to set up the dehumidifier.

Well, my basement only has 2 prong plugs and I needed a 3 prong adapter. I had had one in my hand sometime in the past week while dealing with the basement but could I find it? No. At 7:40, I headed to Dollar General, which didn't have it and neither did Family Dollar. At that point, the farm store, which would have had it had I gone there first, was closed. Andrea couldn't find one either so I ended up at Lorri's and after a bit of digging, her husband found one. By the time I got home and finished with the dehumidifier, it was bedtime. Goodie wouldn't come in though so I was up calling her every half hour until she came in at 12:40. Darn cat! We got .4" more rain the next day but no more water in my basement. Progress!

Friday was Steve's last day, having lasted just 2 years as the Assistant Vice Chancellor of HR. Since Steve was one of the original members of the Friday lunch group, Layton had suggested taking him out to lunch. I had considered working all day on campus but didn't get up early enough to make it there for 8:00 so decided to put in 2 hours of vacation to extend lunch (that brought me back to the maximum 280 hours so I'd keep accruing vacation time) and drive down just for that. I had the baby dehumidifier to return at UPS and since I'd be there, I'd packaged up a big box of yarn for Dottie. We had a nice lunch and then I drove through Starbuck's for a half price frapuccino, dropped stuff at UPS and headed back home. The rest of the day went quickly and I opted for cereal for supper after a big lunch. I was ready for the weekend.

It's not like I'd be relaxing though. Because all those baskets of linens still needed folding and putting back downstairs plus I had regular laundry to do. After the guys came to mow my yard, I hung out the load of sheets I'd done and started folding. I'd emptied 4 totes of clothes that don't fit me from the laundry room and loaded those up to be the bottom layer in my ebay room. I didn't finish folding and schlepping things downstairs until 6:30. Going through the clothes I'd taken out of the totes would be a Sunday project. After Facetiming with Connie Sunday morning, I went through all the clothes, keeping some but putting a basket together to consign and big bags to donate. 

Sometime during the week, I'd done the last loads of small linens that were dried in the dryer so the linens were all done and back downstairs. Yee ha! We'd gotten 1.7" of rain Friday overnight and .4" on Sunday so another week with big rain and none of it went in my basement. I'm calling the basement project done enough. I still have some totes to move back to their original spots and the new dehumidifier is going around the clock. While I poo poo'd the smart phone function, it is pretty cool that my phone tells me when the dehumidifier is full. And pretty much everything I planted on Monday had sprouted so I was feeling pretty good about life by the end of the day Sunday. Life is good!

P.S. Enjoy the picture of Rosie, who has figured out how to jump onto the clothesline pole. And I'm wondering why I'm not seeing birds in my yard this summer. Hmmmm......

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