Sunday, June 16, 2024

Week 23 - Fatigue and Yarn

The week started with tornado sirens just after midnight on Monday morning, which woke me up with a burst of adrenaline and had me struggling to fall back asleep. The lack of sleep compounded from there (rotten cats not coming in at bedtime!) but at least the end of the week was all about yarn scores.

After the sirens Monday, Rosie didn't come in until 3:00 am the next night and while I say I'm not going to worry about the cats being out in the wee hours, I do worry and get up periodically to call them inside and have been known to be walking my yard in my nightie in the wee hours. Yes, I am that crazy cat lady. I was a zombie at work the first 2 work days but was watching Dana do my normal work so didn't need much brain power. I got the cats in at 9:00 Tuesday night and slept great so was a new woman on Wednesday. I even did some chores before heading to campus for the day.

Dana is doing great with picking up on my work duties so work is going well. Of course I'm taking full advantage of being in Lincoln for campus days so had lunch with Dodie on Wednesday then thrifted and food shopped after work. I hung out with Darla at lunch on Thursday, did a Dairy Store run with the few of us who were in on Thursday, including the new accountant so it was a welcome event, and then did my first water aerobics of the summer after work. And just like that, it was Friday.

And that's when the yarn fun started. I had found some cheap workhorse yarn on Facebook Marketplace that appeared to be in northeast Lincoln so I said I'd buy it and would pick it up before swimming on Sunday. When they sent their address, it was in south Lincoln so I called Anne. She was willing to pick it up while she was running errands and picked up some yarn but it wasn't the right yarn so they ended up delivering it to her later that day. By then I'd found some yarn in my neck of the woods so drove to Mead after work to pick up what I'd hoped would be acrylic for my sister but ended up being mostly cotton yarn, which I have no use for. I messaged with the seller and she had her mom go through more bins and I drove out Sunday afternoon to swap the cotton for acrylic. All settled.

But that's not all the yarn. In a Nebraska fiber group on Facebook, someone posted about indie dyed sock yarn for $6 a hank. I messaged back and forth with her (the original poster was the person doing the sale but she didn't say that in her post) to make sure there was some left and in the meantime had asked Anne if she'd go and check it out for me because I didn't want drive 60 miles if it as already gone. She said she'd go even when I found out there was plenty left. She did a video chat from there and showed me the yarn. I got 14 skeins for the price of 3! Still more yarn fun was coming.

On Saturday night, Anne emailed me a garage sale listing that showed bins and bins of acrylic that'd be perfect for my sister's charity crocheting. The sale was over on Saturday but I messaged the seller and asked if there was any yarn left. She said not a single skein had sold so I asked how much she had (60 brand new BIG skeins) and if she'd be willing to do a bundle price. I got all the yarn and 2 big totes for $100. Score! And you guessed it, Anne went and picked it up for me.

Beyond the huge amounts of yarn, there was other fun and productivity on the weekend. Saturday was World Wide Knit in Public Day so some of the Monday Night Knitters sat outside the florist on the main drag in Wahoo and knitted the morning away. It was perfect weather and with a yummy mocha, the time flew. I left at 1:30 to go home and eat some lunch and having been recharged by sitting all morning, I tackled the spare bedroom, which was a mess. I sorted yarn, including more for my sister, and cleared the floor. I came up with lots of donations for Becky's Stuff for Strays garage sale. On Sunday, I went through the shelf above my couch for more donations and went through 2 baskets of clothes that have been on the floor of my bedroom, looking for my swimsuits but also finding tops to wear this summer.

As if Anne hadn't done enough for me already, I asked her if I could give my donations to her because she was going to Becky's to drop hers on Monday. She agreed so I loaded up the car and headed to Lincoln. I went a bit crazy buying produce at the market near the pool, swapped donations for yarn and happily did water aerobics to end the week.

What a great week! Work went well, I got scads of yarn not just for my sister but some for me (thanks Anne!) and am back in the pool. I'm also feeling good about starting to slog through some of the crap in my house. I love knowing that my stuff is being sold to support kitties and my plan is to keep going through my stuff all summer and fall, maybe even finishing before garage sale season is over. Becky posted pictures on Facebook to advertise the sale and every single one was of stuff I'd donated. I hope she sold it all and made some money for the cats. 

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