Sunday, January 24, 2021

Week 3 - Big Tree Drama

It was another winter week of working at home during Covid. Should I stop there? Well, there was actually some drama worth mentioning. 

There was a blizzard due on Friday and the winds that would be blowing the snow around started Thurday afternoon. Looking out the window while working, I watched trees blowing side to side and of course started worrying about my neighbor's nearly dead tree that will have a good chance of taking out my deck and maybe my back room when it comes down. The wind was blowing hard Thursday night as I sat watching TV and at 7:40, I saw a huge spark on the line in the alley and the electricity went out. With nothing else to do, I went to bed and read. The power came back on just after 9:00 so I got up and reset all my clocks before heading back to bed.

It wasn't until the sun came up the next morning that I saw what had killed the power. The tall, scraggly fir tree next to my neighbor's garage, which is not the one I worry about, had blown down and taken out the lines. It was at least 50 feet tall and I could see snapped roots that were the size of an adult thigh. The tree was blocking the alley. 

I called the city to see what they'd be doing about it and in talking to the clerk, I mentioned the other tree that I worry about whenever the wind blows. Well, she said that it could be declared a nuisance and they'd send out an inspector to look at it. OMG! I never knew this was an option and would have called sooner had I known. She said they would send a registered letter giving them 30 days to let them know the plan to remove the tree, which will need to be done within 60 days. Yay! Cara got the neighbor across the alley to cut up the downed fir but she will absolutely have to hire a tree service to take down the maple. It's 70 years old, has multiple enormous branches and the entire main trunk is hollow and growing mushrooms. Time for that sucker to be taken down before it comes down on my house.

The week ended with a long weekend and MLK weekend is always super productive for me. I try to do all the things that were on my to do list for break that didn't get done. But before I could dig in, we had our first ever virtual spinning meeting, which used my zoom account. It was fun to see everyone and lots of people had their wheels out and were spinning as we chatted. I, of course, was knitting socks. When we signed off at 4:00 I got busy.

The first thing on my list was to go through 2 huge totes (think foot locker sized) of yarn that I have posted for sale on Ravelry but it wasn't priced. I got through one whole tote and the took a break when Lori called. I kept going while I watched Loving, in honor of MLK and finished up the 2nd tote on Sunday morning. One bid thing checked of so I headed to my front room to tackle the next.

I brought home all my office plants last spring and my dining room table had been covered ever since. I pulled out some new pots and started repotting. It was lovely to be working in the sunshine in the front room and I made a good start and still had Monday to finish them up. Gotta love a long weekend! I was hopeful that'd I'd get more done on Monday.

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