Sunday, January 10, 2021

Week 2 - Back to Work

Well, break was over and it was back to reality. Too soon for me.

The first business day of the month is always monthly reports and it was a good thing that I had that to start my re-entry to work. Between that and weekly reports, the day flew. That was not the case for the rest of the week. I struggled to focus and was longing for the weekend by Tuesday afternoon. Not good.

I was on a zoom call on Wednesday afternoon when I started getting messenger alerts on my computer. The zoom was a long one and I checked my messages as soon as it was over and immediately turned on the TV. OMG! Between calls from friends, I was glued to the news from 3:30 until bedtime. Trump had finally done it! He'd crossed a line that all but his basest supporters couldn't support. He's cemented his legacy as an unhinged crazy man. So while it was sad that the capitol police officer had died, it wasn't all bad because Trump was now DONE. Good riddance.

Thursday was a fun day. We were meeting at the office for our team meeting - the first time since March. I left Wahoo at 9:15, dropped a big box of yarn for Dottie at UPS and was at Starbuck's at 10:00. They were training new baristas so I got a free frapuccino too. Nice. Then we went to the office to exchange gifts (I brought homemade blackberry peach jam) and chatted until 11:30, when Ben and Brook left. I moved boxes back into my cubie but didn't really unpack. Cindy and I decided we should get take out burgers from Honest Abe's so placed our order, ran to St. Louise's Gift & Thrift while they cooked our burgers then took them back to the office to eat. Yum! 

I had one more stop to make at Nora's to pick up bear sticks - more yum. She was in a meeting so I grabbed them and left, leaving me time to stop at 2 Goodwills before leaving town. I scored some fabulous yarn, for once more for me than my sister and Anne. I was back home and working at 3:15. When I logged off, I sorted yarn, which is always a lovely way to end the day.

I had a Friday afternoon meeting that gave me something to dig into for the rest of the day, which I needed. I was SO ready for the weekend. Sheesh!

The only plan for the weekend was meeting Lori and Andrea at the library to knit from 11:00-1:00. It had been gray, dull and dreary all week and it still was Saturday, which killed my favorite thing - sitting in the sun all morning in my nightie knitting. It's a good thing I'd had a big breakfast of French toast and bacon because we didn't end up getting Chinese food to eat while we knitted. When the library closed, Lori came to my house to pick up a spare crockpot I had and we talked in the driveway, freezing as it was. I went in to warm up with a cup of tea and then got busy.

I had been putting up with my train wreck of a house all week so was determined to get it back in order. I started with cleaning up the kitchen and doing all the pots and pans while I still had daylight. After dinner, I took the tree down in the back room. I'd been enjoying it but it was time. On Sunday morning, the tree in the front room came down and I immediately packed everything up and put it back downstairs. Then I finished the yarn organzation in the front room, finally exposing the floor so it was open for some cleaning. I swept and washed the floor then vacuumed the rugs there and in the bedroom. Then I did the floors in the back room. My house was looking better than it had in ages and with a single load of laundry done, I was officially ready for the week. 

I hope this next week isn't a slog. Because this is how desperate I got this past week - I pulled up Cat TV on YouTube and watched my cats watching TV. It was exactly the diversion I needed from the craziness in Washington. The sun will be returning this next week and it'll be warm enough to melt the rest of the snow and I plan to hang out sheets. In this Covid world, sunshine, warmth and laundry on the line is enough for me. Maybe a little Cat TV too. : )

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