Sunday, January 10, 2021

2021 - Just One Word

I usually start my blog year going over last year's word and seeing how I did with that. What's the point? My word for 2020 was Intent but like everything else, it went right out the window when Covid struck. I intended to go on a Baltic Sea knitting cruise - nope. I intended to be able to leave my house - again nope. Let's just chalk 2020 up to a big old never mind and look forward to a better year in 2021. 

I am very hopeful for 2021 and have chosen a word that I hope works mid-pandemic and after:


With 2021 featuring still not working on campus, still social distancing and still spending all my time at home, reclaim can work for spending time reclaiming my house. I made some great progress this past fall and hope I can continue on that path. I have a few months before I can head outside to my garden so I'm hoping this winter finds me culling the crap in my house. I like to call it decrapification.

And once the vaccine is fully available and hopefully brings life back to some semblance of normal, I'll be looking to reclaim normal life. Travel - I cannot wait to get to Europe! And I want to sit in Carolyn's kitchen in Rhode Island and chat over coffee. And shopping without worrying about getting sick? Yeah, I'd like to reclaim that. I'll also be reclaiming mobility at some point when I get my knee replaced. Yup, reclaim seems to work. I hope by the end of 2021, the world will have reclaimed life as we knew it or at least something close to it.

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