Sunday, July 16, 2023

Week 26 - Distracted by Kittens

I was still mired in grief for Gansey but I also had 5 kittens in the house. I had high hopes that they'd be a good distraction and would help me move on.

The kittens came to me with snot noses but on Monday, Hazel was really croupy and seemed dumpy so I made an appointment and took her to the vet that afternoon. They gave me pink liquid antibiotics - enough to dose them all should any others get worse. Within a few days, I was dosing them all, which had me covered in pink goo and changing my clothes with every dose. But they all seemed to be getting better so worth it.

It was a gorgeous day on Monday so we ended up knitting at Nan's cabin on the Platte instead of inside at the library. It was lovely. Tuesday was busy work day and we were having a food day on Wednesday so I made pasta salad after work and took out a pie crust from the freezer, which I prompty forgot about until I was getting ready for bed. I threw a quiche in the oven and stayed up late until it was done. The alarm would be a rude awakening.

Since I would be gone for 13 hours and didn't trust the kittens in the backroom, I decided that they'd be better off in the bathroom than in their playpen. I started grabbing them and got 4 pretty easily but Willow, the most skittish of the bunch, had me chasing her for 20 minutes. I was dripping with sweat so splashed water on my face and got in the car, where I blasted the AC on max all the way to work.

Work was hard with people giving me their condolences but I managed to hold it together pretty well until I saw the counselor who I'd talked to last week, who was inivited to the food day. I had to leave the room and pull myself together then went back to talk to her about anything but Gansey. I did some thrifting before swimming and was happy to get home to let the kittens back into the backroom. They were unscathed but I wouldn't be putting them in the bathroom again.

I had a dentist appointment at 11:15 on Thursday so didn't drive into work until after that, which meant the kittens would be unsupervised for 8 hours. I left them in the backroom and they did just fine so I left them out all night. I was done with the stinky playpen thing and it would be going outside soon.

As usual, not going into work on Friday was a treat. I ran errands at lunch, including picking up a personal pan pizza at Pizza Hut for lunch, and I took the playpen down and arranged the kitten paraphenalia around the backroom after work. I had a brief bit of panic when I couldn't find Pixel at bedtime but she was back sleeping on the deck when I got up an hour later. Things are still raw but the kittens were doing a good job of distracting me. 

I woke up to rain on Saturday and spent the entire day in my nightie while chatting with friends then streaming, knitting and playing with the kittens, of course. I discovered that dubbed foreign shows were perfect for when I was knitting and I watched a Danish police procedural called The Chestnut Man. I did something I rarely do and went to bed in the same nightie I'd woken up in. My shower first thing Sunday felt great and although I got dressed, I did more of the same on Sunday with the bare minimum of chores thrown in.

So the kittens were doing a good job of distracting me and it had been almost 2 weeks without Gansey so I was coming to terms with it. My other cats were less than enthused and I felt a bit guilty to have sprung these kittens on them when they were getting used to no Gansey but it will all work out eventually. In the meantime - kittens!

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