I started the week with a sore back from all my gardening on the weekend but it only lasted a day or 2 so was super worth it. And I was in full swing by mid-week.
I'm supposed to be working on campus on Wednesdays but the boss isn't bothered if we don't go and this week I had a dentist appointment in Wahoo at 11:00 so it wasn't looking good. Until I volunteered for cat delivery service. When Andrea said she was ready to adopt a new cat (her old cat died 2 years ago), I put her in touch with Becky, the woman who bottle raised my cat Gansey. There was some back and forth and Andrea had gone to pick up the cat and he wasn't "ready" so Andrea left without him. I stepped in and arranged to pick Tiberius up on Wednesday after work so I did head to Lincoln after the dentist.
I started with lunch with Darla at Noodles, which was lovely, and was at the office at 1:00. I had a carrier in my car, which Becky picked up and the plan was for me to head south after work and pick him up at her house. Well, Becky was coming back to campus to work the evening so she delivered him to my car, which saved me tons of time and meant I was home earlier than I'd expected. The cat was a dream on the ride home, despite all Becky's admonitions that he was the worst cat every (Becky was the problem, not the cat) and I got to Wahoo before Andrea was done working. I knitted in the parking lot then followed her home. She set up the litter box and food, let him out of the cage and he was fine. We chatted while he roamed around, exploring the house. All good. Here's a low res pic of Tiberius - a total cutie. Gotta love a ginger.It felt great to be working from home on Thursday. I truly would be fine with never working on campus again. There are so many reasons but having time to get things done is near the top. I spent Thursday lunch going through papers and finished up that evening, including clearing off the desk, which has reverted to my hot spot since I no longer work from there. And on Friday, I cleared the bar. Yay! I went into the weekend with surfaces clear. I also made a pumpkin pie at lunch. Yup, I love working from home. : )
I can't tell you what I did on the weekend. It was my last weekend before my cruise so there was planning and cleaning for that plus some knitting and streaming, of course. I did finish my sister's Christmas socks so got that crossed off too. All good and in less than a week, I'd be cruisin'! I was feeling good about my progress and had high hopes that I wouldn't be stressed as I got ready to leave. Four more days!
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