Sunday, September 6, 2020

Week 35 - A New Obsession

With temps in the 90's all week, it was a good thing I had a new project that kept me busy inside. Yes, the crumb quilting continued and I was loving it more with each square I made.

So much quilting! At the beginning of the week, I was splitting my time between ironing scraps and making squares. At lunch and as soon as work was over, I ate something quickly and headed downstairs. I had the ironing finished by Tuesday night which meant I could concentrate completely on making more squares. Each one was prettier than the one before. I couldn't stop! And luckily hopping up and down between the sewing machine and the ironing board constantly was more exercise than I'd betting getting sitting and knitting.

The work week was completely uneventful, which worked for me. I had made a plan with Andrea to head to Fremont after work on Friday, intending to take some vacation time but when I woke up before dawn (darn cat!), I started work at 7:00 so I could save my vacation hours. I picked Andrea up at 3:30 and off we went. The weekend had begun!

The first stop was the quilt shop for rotary cutter blades and a square quilting ruler. I got the ruler and Andrea found the blades, which was a 5 pack and all they had, then we headed to their scrap bins. We sorted through the entire bin, filling 2 baggies each with scraps then hit the sale fat quarters, where I limited myself to 4. When I checked out, I was floored when the amount was more than $90. Come to find out, the blades, which I could have bought on Amazon for $10, were $43! So much for supporting local businesses. Oh well. After a stop at Goodwill and Aldi, we headed home.

My intent was to do some cleaning on the weekend but the weather broke and I ended up outside in the garden. I weeded between my raised beds and spread mulch, which had been sitting outside since last year because I'd bought the wrong color. With the plants more accessible, I picked a bunch of tomatoes and some Swiss chard. Nice. While it wasn't hot out, I was still sweaty so took a shower because I was meeting Van for supper in Waterloo.

Van was in Omaha with his mom, who was in the hospital, so we were meeting with his partner for dinner at a new place - The Rude Shrimp Company. It was 2 shipping containers outside and had all outdoor seating. We had to wait awhile but the food was great. Unfortunately we were wearing the only masks in the place and the tables were very close together. It was the most unsafe I'd felt since Covid started. Not worth it and I won't do that again. 

I spent all day Sunday quilting. I didn't do laundry, nor cleaning, nor cooking - just quilting. It's not like I'd go hungry and I don't dress for work these days but a bit more prepared for the work week would have been better. Oh well. You need to go with the flow when you're inspired. Here's a picture of my first blocks. There will be many more for sure.

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