Monday, September 30, 2024

Week 39 - Hot and Cold

The temps this week were crazy hot - I'm talking high 80's most days and 90 on Sunday. Low humidity so it cooled down at night but HOT during the day. At the end of September. I refuse to put my AC on so closed the house up around noon each day and lived to tell. It also encouraged me to do some work in the basement, which is always cooler. As for the cold, my cold was full blown for the beginning of the week but was mostly gone by mid-week. Maybe the zicam worked?

I didn't do much for the start of the week. Lots of streaming/knitting, of course, plus I dyed some yarn, did a few minimal chores but didn't feel fully functional, albeit snotty, until Thursday. I did some laundry and changed my sheets so was back on the functionality track.

I have had ParmountPlus from before it was called that and had a perfect grandfathered plan that gave me local channels live TV and their regular content for just $7/month. It was under my yahoo email, which I rarely check and so I didn't see that my payment, which was still on my old card that had been cancelled due to fraud, hadn't processed. I was watching it on Tuesday and it went poof. Of course I couldn't get the old plan back so had a choice of basic without live TV, which I need because CBS from Omaha is iffy using my antenna, or pay more for Showtime. Bummer. I opted for basic and am dealing with the spotty reception, especially if it's windy. It usually gets better in the winter so we'll see how long I can hold out.

At the start of the week, the Virginia trip to drive with my friend Susan as she moves there, was put on hold due to a medical issue. In the time it took to get her results, which were good, the cost of flying back had doubled. I'd also given it a lot of thought and when it came down to it, I really didn't want to go. I felt guilty about cancelling so hemmed and hawed but finally called her on Sunday and told her I was out. It was absolutely the right decision and I'm happy to just be home. Rescheduling the trip to Connie's is up in the air and we briefly discussed either her coming here or meeting in the middle. Nothing definite yet.

Anne is in South America and as she usually does, we chat via Facebook Messenger in the evening some days. When she called on Wednesday, she mentioned that there was a talk the next day about the Nazi influence in Argentina, which is right up my alley. She asked if I could listen to the talk and the person agreed so Anne blazed up Messenger and I got to listen to the entire talk Thursday afternoon. I'd also watched 2.5 hours of the Grocery Girls on YouTube so it was a media intensive day. Worked for me. I ended the day with book club at the library to discuss Bad Blood, which was a good read.

Having been operating on low energy all week, Friday was a big day. I had plans to meet Darla after work but couldn't pass up the opportunity to thrift so left right after lunch. I drove all over Lincoln, hitting 11 thrifts with a stop for peanut butter soft serve at zesto mid-afternoon. I scored some $.99 bags of yarn (mostly for Dottie), 3 new shirts and a project bag but not much else. I was impaled at St. Louise's because someone had left a foot long peg on an end cap that gouged my arm as I walked by. I was bleeding a lot but they got me Band-Aids. Sheesh! I got KFC for supper and ate it while watching the Great British Baking Show, which I love. It was a nice day overall and it felt good to get out of the house.

It was hot on the weekend so I spent both Saturday and Sunday afternoon down in the basement sorting through yarn. I had already filled a box of mystery yarn for Becky's Stuff for Strays sale but when she told me she'd advertise having yarn to bring out the crafty people, I decided it was time to go through all of the vintage yarn that I have listed as for sale on Ravelry. It's mostly better quality vintage yarn but some has been listed for 10 years. Time for it to go. I was merciless on Saturday, sorting 2/3 of it to go. On Sunday, I bagged it all up (there were lots of multiple skeins) and then delisted it on Ravelry. The huge tote pictured, which I'm donating too, is brimming so I'll need to find another big box before I can move it upstairs. It was nice and cool down there and I felt great when I was done because Gone is Good!

So not the best week with having a cold but at least it wasn't bad for long. I had thrifting fun, a productive weekend and even got a blue dot political sign for my front yard. My county got gerrymandered to redden up Omaha, which is the blue dot in Nebraska, and since we split our electoral college votes, one of the 3 votes usually goes democratic. Lindsay Graham visited Nebraska recently to try to get us to change it to winner take all, which would mean Republican always, but it failed. Yay!

On the viewing front, I was mostly streaming Wire in the Blood on Prime but on Saturday night, I watched The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry on Hoopla. I had read the book for book club and loved it and the movie was good too. If you have access to Hoopla, give it a try. TTYL.

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