Sunday, September 29, 2024

Week 38 - Working on Adjusting

Remember last week when I said I was doing it wrong, cramming too much into my days? Well, I clearly learned nothing so still need to work on retirement.

Having moved my new chair into the back room on Sunday, the old chair was just shoved aside, which would not do. So first thing on Monday, I dragged the chair through the house and down the driveway, slapping a FREE sign on it before posting it all over the local Facebook groups in hopes that someone would take it. 

In order to get it out the front door, I'd rolled up the 4x6 foot rug in the front room. Well, since the floor was half bare, I moved the rug to the kitchen and swept, swiffered and then washed (a rare occurrence) that side of the floor. That was the easy side but since that was done, I moved all the furniture to the now clean side and did the other side, which was much more work. Then once it dried, I moved everything back. See - I learned nothing from the previous week but I felt good to have done it all and went to Monday Night Knitting feeling good.

I did better on other days. I ran errands in town on Tuesday and went though a crate in my closet, which met my goal of going through at least one thing each day to get rid of stuff. I dropped 4 pairs of old glasses when I picked up my new ones and threw tons of stuff into my Becky box for her Stuff for Strays sales. Another day, I put all my summer Birkenstocks away and cleared the rest of the stuff on my bedroom floor. All good.

Wednesday was my Lincoln day for lunch with work friends at Honest Abe's, where I opted for loaded tots instead of a burger because I was going for peanut butter soft serve at Zesto later with Anne. And to maximize being in Lincoln, I also picked up book club books and thrifted all over town, scoring some amazing indie dyed sock yarn for $.99/skein. Get a load of this thrift score!

Under "everything is harder than it should be", on Thursday afternoon I spent 2 hours trying to switch my Hulu and Max subscriptions to the bundle that includes Disney and costs less. I tried everything I could think of for 30 minutes before giving up and calling Hulu. 1.5 hours on the phone with them and at one point they did a conference call with Disney customer service. 2 hours to get it done! Have I watched Disney yet? Nope.

After the Hulu call, I finalized my plans to head to Connie's (8.5 hours away in South Dakota) on Sunday for her birthday. That meant I had lots to do before leaving. You know - chores so I don't come back to a mess, changing litter boxes, arranging friends to feed cats and water plants - that kind of thing. It was 95 degrees on Friday so I spent the day inside getting that stuff done and starting a couple of sock projects that were easy knitting. Because a week after getting back from Connie's, I'd be driving to Virginia with a friend who's moving there so would have plenty of knitting time then too.

Saturday was a busy day. I spent the morning finishing getting ready for my road trip then picked Andrea up at 12:30 to head to Fremont for our monthly spinning and errands run. Spinning was fun and we hit all our regular stops before and after. I got back home later than planned so was a bit late to my friend Amanda's 40th birthday party in Ashland. Anne and Rene met me there and it was lots of fun. She had a cheese food truck on the street and everyone wore black. There were some full blown costumes involved and it was a nice night to be outside in her yard. I had a scratchy throat by the end of the night so just to be cautious, I zicam'd before bed and again at midnight since I was struggling to fall asleep.

Well, I woke up at 4:00 a.m. with a blazing sinus headache and completely congested. With only 4 hours of sleep and feeling like crap, I had to call Connie and break the news that I wouldn't be driving that day. I thought I might be able to drive Monday but after spending the day in bed reading and dozing, I still felt awful so called that night and said it wasn't happening. We'll have to reschedule for October sometime.

So, my 2nd full week of retirement ended on a sour note. At least I had a nice week up to the point of getting cold. Clearly my 3rd week will be impacted by my cold. One of these weeks I'll get it right. Sheesh!

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