Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Week 27 - Not a Fan

Call me a cranky old lady but I do not like all the fireworks on the 4th. I'm all for a professional display but the ones my neighbors light off for a solid week before the 4th and a few days after are bad. It's just noise and litter with nothing to show for it but spent money and lost sleep. At least we got lots of rain early in the week (5" between daytime Monday and overnight to Tuesday) so fire wasn't a concern.

One good thing about this week was getting a pass on working on campus on Wednesday plus getting to stop working at 3:30. Of course I had already made plans to see Thelma with Anne and Rene at 5:00 on campus but that was OK. I drove in for the movie, which was good but totally streamable. We went to Ivana Cone for ice cream afterwards. I'll call that a good start to the long weekend because being still at max vacation, I took Friday off. I think 90% of campus did. They should have just closed. Yeah, right.

I had planned to go to a craft fair in Seward on Thursday morning with Darla but with rain forecast and it being a rain or shine event, we cancelled it and instead would do lunch on Friday. I spent Thursday holed up inside with the cats going in and out all day as my neighbors set off loud fireworks. I watched the new Beverly Hills Cop movie on Netflix and called it a night. The noise kept me reading late but I had hopes that the worst of it would be over.

The cats woke me up early on Friday, as usual, and I found myself following my normal weekday morning routine. This left me dressed and ready to go by 10:00 so I drove to Lincoln then and had time to do some thrifting before meeting Darla. At a Goodwill where I rarely find anything, I found a bunch of fiber packs (for spinning yarn) and a few skeins of good quality yarn. At another Goodwill, I found someone's entire collection of Starbucks coffee mugs, including one I'd wanted but not for $15. Goodwill's normal high price of $1.99 for a used mug was a steal for a Starbuck's mug so I bought 4 - a Christmas one and the orange one I'd wanted for me and 2 as gifts. Nice.

I met Darla at Noodles (she got the Nebraska mug) and we had a nice lunch. I had emailed my cousin about hanging out that afternoon but she needed an hour for something so I went to Anne's to play with Hazel. (Anne got the mitten mug.) I wasn't there long before my cousin got back so I headed over there and we chatted the afternoon away. I hit Aldi and headed home for a lovely weekend with no plans.

And so began another summer weekend holed up in the house avoiding the heat and more fireworks, because clearly my neighbors had more. The only thing worthy of a mention was a nice long chat with my friend Cornelia, who I only see when I'm in Rhode Island in the summer and rarely talk to. Otherwise it was knitting and streaming the weekend away. Enjoy the cute picture of Goodie, who spent more time in the house this week than usual. Damn fireworks!

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