Sunday, May 21, 2023

Week 18 - Gardening and Coronation

When the first day of the month, which is a good wor day of monthly report production (love a day with lots to show at the end), starts with a data warehouse problem that delays my reports, it only goes up from there. And it did.

The best part of the week was when Tim brought his sons over to cut down all the bushes in my back perennial bed, which is the biggest in my yard. It had been taken over with American cranberry bushes (viburnum trilobum) and dud forsythia that only bloomed yellow 1in every 5 years and had choked/shaded out most everything else so it was time for them all to go. It didn't take them long but their trailer was piled so high that they had to strap it all down to drive it to the city burn pile.

As soon as they left, I went out in my neck brace and raked more than half of the leaves and debris out, adding it all to my alley compost pile. I pitted out my brace pads so switched to the spare pads they'd given me. I need to make sure I keep this set clean. When I finished raking the next night, which tired me out, I had to start another pile at the alley but it has bigger branches and such so might end up going to the burn pile later. How's this for before and after? I'm very happy and will have fun planning what to plant in the bare space.

After enjoying my favorite grab & go lunch, delivered by Andrea on Thursday, I went out after work and planted my early veg bed. I had hopes that it would get rained in overnight and we did get a bit but it was clearing up when I stopped work at noon. Lorri was picking me up for an afternoon of plant shopping and a belated birthday lunch. We hit the Hort Club sale (picked over since it was day 2), had a delicious lunch at HF Crave then hit the new Omaha garden center that had built a Lincoln location (not a 6 pack to be found and cheapest annual was $7 - nope!) before hitting Aldi and Starbuck's before heading back home. I love taking vacation time on Friday afternoons so all my errands are done and I can stay home all weekend.

I got up at 3:55 on Saturday morning to watch the coronation. I made myself a nice breakfast of stuffed French toast with bacon and eggs and settled in for the morning. I had a low energy day of knitting and finishing Better Call Saul but did rally in the evening and gave my newly uncovered peonies some love (the dark spots in the after shot above are the peonies with compost around them) in hopes that I can resurrect them and maybe get a few blooms this year.

I had no plans for Sunday but when Andrea asked if I needed anything, I jumped at the chance for a Sunmart (the local grocery store) run to pick up a few things I couldn't get at Aldi. After lunch, Lorri called to ask if I wanted to check out the plants at Bomgaar's (our local farm store) - yes please! I happily picked up some 4 packs to add to the plants I'd overwintered. I did putter a bit more in the garden that night and did some cooking.

So yet again, I have to say that I have the best friends and am super grateful for their willingness to drive me around. It was a great week even with the brace on. The neighbor I met last week came down the alley to check on me too so it seems like everyone is looking out for me. Life is good! 

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