I started the week with Drew leaving. I got up at my regular time and got ready before waking him up, which took a few tries but we were out the door at 8:00 as planned. I was dropping him at a Starbuck’s in Omaha where he would while away the morning waiting for his ride to pick him up. Having just been off for a week, there was no way I was taking another day so he’d just have to tough it out. I bought him breakfast and a coffee and left him with a $10 card to keep him fed and caffeinated all morning then left for work. I arrived at 10:00 and plowed in to catch up post vacation. The day was over in a flash.
I worked a bit late so was only running into the house to get my project bag on the way to pick up the pizza for knitting. I was only out of my car for 3 minutes and foolishly left the windows open. Well, the damn neighborhood cat got into my car and sprayed on the front passenger seat. I did the best I could quickly – blotting, washing and febrezing before heading to Pizza Hut. I knew it’d smell but hoped it would be short lived, figuring it’d bake out when I parked in the sun in the newly warmer weather. Only when I got to knitting did I realize that he’d also sprayed my purse and book bag. #&$*!@#&%*$!& I transferred everything to grocery bags for the time being and happily knitted away. I left the book bag outside pending a weekend load of wash and got out the orange clean, hoping the smell wouldn’t have sunk into the leather. Damn cat!
The purse still smelled in the morning but I didn’t have time to transfer everything to another purse (I LOVE this purse so nothing else in the cupboard was going to work) so doused it with Febreze and headed to work. I stopped at the Hort Club sale on the way in and so started the day buying plants, which were gorgeous and reasonably priced. It was an uneventful day, which worked for me. It was nice to just be home alone.
I was watering seedlings for Lorri Urban so had to stop at her house on Wednesday and Thursday after work. I had planned to swim on Thursday but was worried that it would do my knee in and I needed to be mobile on Saturday so I didn’t go. I was completely absorbed in the book I was reading (Dust by Hugh Howey, which is the 3rd book in the Silo Saga) so happily went home to read instead.
Campus was a ghost town on Friday (It was Arbor Day – Nebraska’s state holiday that no one else celebrates. Every state seems to have one.) but I had a productive day while it was so quiet. I went thrifting on the way home and hit the mother lode at Goodwill, scoring 43 skeins of yarn for only 99 cents each. There were lots of fat quarters too so I ended up spending $92, which is a record for me but was well worth it. Here are some pics. : )
Campus was a ghost town on Friday (It was Arbor Day – Nebraska’s state holiday that no one else celebrates. Every state seems to have one.) but I had a productive day while it was so quiet. I went thrifting on the way home and hit the mother lode at Goodwill, scoring 43 skeins of yarn for only 99 cents each. There were lots of fat quarters too so I ended up spending $92, which is a record for me but was well worth it. Here are some pics. : )
Saturday was a busy day. I set my alarm for my workday time because I wanted to get my bed stripped and the sheets washed and hung out before heading out for breakfast with Darla, which was delicious. We met at Penelope’s Café, which is new and near Darla’s house. It’s always fun to hang with Darla. I had half an hour between breakfast and meeting Nora at 10:30 at her kids’ school to help with a plant sale soI popped over to Anne’s to drop off some yarn. Since I hadn’t been swimming, we had lots to catch up on so I ended up dashing to get to the school. The plant sale was perfectly pleasant. People had pre-ordered plants so I just checked to make sure they took the right plants and answered a few questions here and there. I was scheduled for a double shift but it was so slow that I left an hour early and headed to St. E’s. Anne Marie had had baby #8 on Friday night so I spent a couple of hours with her and little Philip then headed home. It was a long but pleasant day.
I had been doing laundry all week and hanging it out because Sunday was going to be rainy, which it was – thunder storms early then delightfully light, spring rain until mid-afternoon. This meant I only had neatizing and some kitchen stuff to do on Sunday. I had thought Lorri would stop by after church to pick up her key. She didn’t but I got everything done in the morning just in case, which left me with the afternoon wide open. I had hoped to get some cooking done but somehow that didn’t happen. Other than knitting, not much got done but oh well. I can live with that. At least I’d gotten plenty done before Sunday afternoon. That’s what I’m telling myself anyway. No matter how much I get done, there’s always more. That’s life!