This week was dominated by two things – my bum knee and The Hunger Games. I woke up with my good knee bothering me on Monday morning and it went downhill from there. So I guess it worked out since I spent most of the week reading and so wasn’t stressing my knee.
Monday was my usual busy day but this week I went from work to a Husker Cats meeting, ate in the car and then to the library. Another 13 hour Monday. My knee was starting to bother me but not bad. Yet.
The weather was freaky hot on Tuesday so I sat outside over lunch and started The Hunger Games. After just that hour, I knew the rest of my week was toast. I didn’t swim that night but went right home and started reading. It was so warm that I sat out on the deck until 9:15 and then went to bed to read until I was bleary eyed.
My knee was still problematic on Wednesday morning but when I stood up after putting on my socks, there was a crunch and pain that almost put me on the floor but then my knee felt fine. Hmmm… I read again over lunch on Wednesday and then decided that I should swim because my knee was fine. Yeah, right. I took it easy but could barely get out of the pool and couldn’t put any weight on it but by the time I got home, it seemed fine again. WTF! I stopped reading long enough to watch Survivor (loving this season!) but then read until I finished the book. I hadn’t been so into a book since Under the Dome, which was a year or more ago. I had to get my hands on the other books!
I had a lunch fiasco on Thursday when Darla and I tried the new pizza place downtown – Toppers. They screwed up my first sandwich, which I had waited 15 minutes for (their norm), and after walking back and waiting for a remake, found a funky, woody bit in my sandwich. I won’t be going back there! But I digress. I went right to Barnes & Noble after work but was dismayed to find they didn’t have the 2nd and 3rd book in paperback so they’d cost $40! I couldn’t spend that much so headed home to check Amazon, resigned to wait. I also called the library to see if there was a long wait on their copies. There was. But as I got home, I had a brainstorm. Emma, the girl 2 doors up, was just the right age for the books (they’re technically young adult.) I picked up the phone and SO lucked out! She had the boxed set and was willing to share. I hightailed it over there and spent the rest of the night reading. Go figure.
The beauty part was I had taken Friday off so had a 3 day weekend coming. But the point of taking Friday off was to get some yard work done so I’d have to be an adult and force myself to stop reading long enough to do something. So I got up Friday, read while eating a nice breakfast and then got busy doing chores. I had my inside list done before lunch, read while enjoying some grilled hotdogs (the freaky warm weather was still holding on) and then headed outside. I spent an hour picking up sticks and other winter debris then headed back in to read some more because it was actually too hot outside. I went out again after it had cooled off a bit and pruned all my roses. I called that enough and went in to read some more.
I finished the 2nd book over breakfast on Saturday and then got busy. I had stuff to mail so had to be at the post office before 10:30. I ran a few other errands in town and was back home starting the 3rd book over lunch. Andrea picked me up at 1:00 and we headed to Fremont for spinning, where I knitted because I didn’t want to use my knee to spin. From there we went to Omaha, hitting Penzey’s, Mangelsen’s (a craft store) and Trader Joe’s. It was Andrea’s birthday on Sunday and I had a little bag of gifts for her but when she mentioned loving butter print Pyrex, which her mom had when she was a kid, I tore through my basement and garage stashes and gave her a casserole set and refrigerator boxes. It took some digging to find the right lids but she got two full sets. At least someone is benefiting from my ebay stash. Someday I’ll get back to selling. She left after 8:00 and, you guessed it, I started reading again while enjoying a TJ’s picnic dinner – sushi, bread, cheese and a glass of wine.
Sunday was an odd day. I wanted to finish the last book but was restless and couldn’t seem to stick with it. I think I’d hit a wall. But it was SO hot outside – mid 80’s with a hot south wind – so working outside wasn’t a pleasant option. I ended up dying some yarn, which dried incredibly quickly on the line. I prepped one of my veggie beds but the heat drove me into the cool basement and finally get back to reading. I had hoped to cook but it was just too hot so I put frozen pizza in the toaster oven and finished the last book after dinner. I didn’t get my taxes done nor the laundry but it was all worth it. It was a wonderful week! If you haven’t read these books, you need to. They are the best story I’ve read in ages. Now I can’t wait to see the movie, which opens Friday. Anyone wanna go?