Monday night meant knitting at the library and I was starting a scarf for me, determined to not be knitting socks again. It wasn’t going well though. Despite having a host of patterns and fabulous yarn, I was using an old circular needle I’d found in the basement (source unknown) and it was tripping me up. Before the end of the week, I’d have ripped out 6 different starts with 3 different patterns and had to cut the yarn twice. So almost every night ended with more knitting frustration. Nice! Hobbies are supposed to be relaxing, aren’t they?
Tuesday I woke up to a normal day, or so I thought. I was looking forward to the cookout at Anne’s that night (a break week tradition for the water aerobics crew) that I’d had a big hand in planning. All was going swimmingly until, with no warning at all, I was projectile vomiting all over the bathroom. This was accompanied by the shakes and clammy skin. I immediately called in without an ounce of guilt (I normally am guilt ridden but the mess in the bathroom was proof enough of my inability to function) and went to bed. I was sick twice more during the day and slept for all but a couple of hours midday. No cookout for me – bummer. But by the end of the day, I was feeling better and able to eat some chicken soup so I chalked it up to a 24 hour stomach bug and called it a lost day.
Wednesday I met Helen after work for dinner and a movie – a rare event (seeing Helen more than the dinner and movie) to be sure. We ate salads at Panera, saw 500 Days of Summer, which was really good, and then closed down Starbucks. Thursday night was an Investment Committee meeting for the Library Foundation, something I was appointed to that I had zero interest in. Add to that that the chair is a blowhard who doesn’t listen and you get how much I was dreading it.
You’d think with the week I’d had, I’d be headed home Friday for some R&R. But No! I decided to be a responsible adult and do some yard work, hoping that it’d free up time later in the weekend for some quality vegging. So I headed straight home to prune the crabapple, mow the yard and trim the enormous yew out front by hand. Two hours later I was done, just in time to go to bed early so I could get up on Saturday and do yard work at Hansen House with Lorri for master gardener hours. That was two hours of edging and cutting back a huge forsythia that was choked out a magnolia. Good thing the cool weather was holding. From there I went home to grab a couple of hotdogs and relax for a bit, ripping out my scarf for the sixth time while talking to Connie.
That afternoon I headed to Lincoln to help my friend Susan paint her empty house (it’s on the market.) Now I had originally said I’d help with her yard but she hired someone to do that so wanted help painting, something I’m not good at and don’t like doing (there’s a reason I’ve been in my house 10 years and still haven’t done a second coat in the bathroom.) And for the record, the Just Saying No mantra from week 18 – NOT WORKING! The sole redeeming thing about going to Lincoln was I could go to the yarn shop and buy a new circular needle to, hopefully, end my knitting woes. It was good to catch up with Susan and the painting wasn’t all bad. Or maybe it was but I’ve blocked it out due to paint fume overload from priming the closet. Anyway, I got home after 7:00 and vowed to be done for the weekend.
Sunday was the wonderful day I’d clearly earned. I started knitting before I even read the paper (my normal Sunday morning ritual) and the needle had indeed removed the jinx. I spent the rest of the day knitting while watching PBS, interspersing laundry, dishes and the like between programs. I didn’t do much cooking but at the end of the day had more than twelve inches done on my scarf and felt relaxed, renewed and ready to face another week. Let’s hope it’s a good one.
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