Monday, January 13, 2025

Week 1 - Happy New Year

After fasting on Sunday, 600 calorie days on Monday and Tuesday felt like a feast! It felt good to be eating clean and healthy food to start the week off and since I'd be having a colonoscopy on Friday, I would totally be enjoying having friends over for tea on New Year's Day.

I used to do a big tea with all my knitting friends on New Year's but post-pandemic, it has evolved into just Andrea and Lori. That's much easier and so an enjoyable start the the year without any stress. There was lots of cleaning going on early in the week and then some baking (my mom's lemon squares) that morning to go with stollen and truffles. The sun was shining so we were good to drink tea, knit in the sun and chat.

But I had a mission for them. I had taken all my under-the-bed boxes of workhorse sock yarn out from under the spare bed when looking for the perfect color of yarn and they were still out. I put them all on my bed (5 boxes) and labeled 12 lunch bags with months. I asked if they'd be willing to choose 12 skeins of self-patterning yarn for each month and tape them shut. They were up for it and were laughing the whole time. They even came out to ask for paper and pen to put notes in the bags. So now I have 12 mystery bags for my reading/zoom socks for 2025. How fun is that!

It was a good thing Wednesday was fun and the food was yummy because Thursday was colonoscopy prep. I made jello but never ate it instead drinking black coffee and tea all day. I had to get up at 4:00 am on Friday to drink the 2nd half of the prep, which I mixed with tea instead of gatorade because it was SO sweet. I went for a blood draw on the way to my colonoscopy at 10:00. I was home by noon and happily had a fried bologna sandwich (a childhood favorite) for lunch. Delish! Then I took a nice nap and had a nice dinner. Done with that and 5 years until my next one.

I had planned to keep dieting before a Monday blood draw in Lincoln but they were supposed to get snow so I moved it to before my colonoscopy. This meant I could eat normally, which was a joy. I had a nice, relaxing weekend chatting with friends, knitting in the sun and doing a few chores. 

It's amazing how much you can appreciate normal after a week like this. I had 3 more doctor appointments next week but then hopefully will be all set for the rest of the year. Wish me luck.

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